Cameron Park – Consort of Burkhard Fire Dragon Clan
Born – August, 1997
Age – 23
Height – 5’11”
Eye color – Dark brown
Hair color – black with brown highlights
Hair style – a mid-length, romantic sweep that just touches collar
Facial Hair – none
Origin – Asian American, specifically Korean. 2nd generation.
Father – Chul Soo Park
Mother – Mi Ja Noh
Mother’s mage clan – Noh Clan. They still pass down tales of a time of magic but the clan as a whole acts as if that’s a thing of the past. One exception to that is Grandmother.
Grandmother – Ha Na Noh.
Twin sister – Cassie Park
Education – Masters in Mechanical Engineering from University of California, Berkeley
Background – Cameron and Cassie were born in the United States in San Francisco. They routinely go back to Korea to visit with family and they can speak the language alright but are weak writing/reading it. It’s not a skill they employ very often. They face a lot of the cultural pressures through their parents and grandmother, which includes getting good education, a good job, and getting married before they hit 35 in order to start a family. These plans hit a slight hiccup because both siblings are gay and open about it, but the parents are still firm on the fact that they need to marry and marry well.
Cameron went into engineering as he was good at math and liked designing things. His parents strongly encouraged this as they thought engineering would be a good, stable career for him. Cassie went into software engineering and chose a different college to go to. She attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cameron graduated feeling accomplished but also at loose ends. He’s the type that if he’s going to do something, he’ll accomplish it with style, but the idea of going into the workforce as an engineer leaves him feeling a bit cold. The graduation present to himself of backpacking through Europe was to help him have a little time to adjust to being a working adult. His parents want him to settle in San Francisco near them but there’s not many job opportunities so he’s hoping to find something out of state. Maybe out of country. He wants to explore the world more than he has so far.
His goal is to get a well-paying job so that he can invest in his own house, hopefully something that’s in an LGBTQ friendly city, so that he has a better chance of finding a boyfriend.
Book Appearances: